Wow... What a long year.
I cannot believe my last post was in June. That is when it all started to get super busy and stressful. We were doing too many things and I didn't feel up to doing anything. I fell back into my old self of depression and sitting around all day. Doing nothing.
I was the worst. I didn't clean. I hated cooking. I did the laundry but never put it away. My daughter played the Xbox a lot because I didn't feel like doing anything else. Of course she didn't mind though. She loves playing Minecraft on there. But I felt bad. And I couldn't make myself feel better. Nothing was working as it usually did. Even when I took my meds. It was getting miserable for everyone. I gained so much weight and that made it worse for me. But it wasn't clicking that I was doing it to myself. I would cry all the time and then tell myself bad things. I did this, I should suffer. I'm not sure I would have lasted very long like that.
Then I fell asleep on the couch, in the middle of the day, and had the worst dream I have ever had.
I don't want to get into it, I still cry whenever I think about it. But it made me realize what I was doing and who I was hurting. There was 2 paths in front of me and I had to choose the right one or it was going to be over.
I sat down and wrote out two schedules. One for everyday and chores. The other for working out.
I had to keep to them and better my family, while I better myself. It was going good, then we moved in October. We finally bought a house and it felt amazing!! I was super stressed but once we got into the house, I got back at it and will continue. We have been so blessed to get this house and the extra room it gives us. We have a classroom for our daughter and an extra room downstairs that my husband and I are turning into a home gym!
My husband surprised me and made the extra room upstairs into a craft room/office for me.
He is the best!!
Its amazing how you can change your mindset and your attitude, and life turns around too. Law of Attraction is something that I had heard of and kind of believed in. Now I want to read more about it and see what it is truly about. I think it is a great idea to put positivity out into the world and not just for yourself.
We do more things as a family now. We took our daughter to the Zoo for Howl-O-Ween and Christmas was in our new home. That was exciting. We made gift for our loved ones and made cards for everyone. There was a lot of glitter :) I also made another sweater/test knit!
I'm excited for the new year. We are happy and healthy, that's all I want for anyone and everyone. Call me cheesy, that's okay. I like cheese.
I have big plans and goals for this year. I hope I get them all done. I will! One day at a time!
Next goal is to make my daughter a sweater dress. She has her birthday coming up and we are going to make cupcakes together! A lot of frosting clean up in my future :)
Bring it on!!
Link to the test knit pattern
Have a Great New Year!!!
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