Monday, January 6, 2020

Everything is New, and Different

Wow... What a long year.
I cannot believe my last post was in June. That is when it all started to get super busy and stressful. We were doing too many things and I didn't feel up to doing anything. I fell back into my old self of depression and sitting around all day. Doing nothing.
I was the worst. I didn't clean. I hated cooking. I did the laundry but never put it away. My daughter played the Xbox a lot because I didn't feel like doing anything else. Of course she didn't mind though. She loves playing Minecraft on there. But I felt bad. And I couldn't make myself feel better. Nothing was working as it usually did. Even when I took my meds. It was getting miserable for everyone. I gained so much weight and that made it worse for me. But it wasn't clicking that I was doing it to myself. I would cry all the time and then tell myself bad things. I did this, I should suffer. I'm not sure I would have lasted very long like that.
Then I fell asleep on the couch, in the middle of the day, and had the worst dream I have ever had.
I don't want to get into it, I still cry whenever I think about it. But it made me realize what I was doing and who I was hurting. There was 2 paths in front of me and I had to choose the right one or it was going to be over.
I sat down and wrote out two schedules. One for everyday and chores. The other for working out.
I had to keep to them and better my family, while I better myself. It was going good, then we moved in October. We finally bought a house and it felt amazing!! I was super stressed but once we got into the house, I got back at it and will continue. We have been so blessed to get this house and the extra room it gives us. We have a classroom for our daughter and an extra room downstairs that my husband and I are turning into a home gym!
My husband surprised me and made the extra room upstairs into a craft room/office for me.
He is the best!!
Its amazing how you can change your mindset and your attitude, and life turns around too. Law of Attraction is something that I had heard of and kind of believed in. Now I want to read more about it and see what it is truly about. I think it is a great idea to put positivity out into the world and not just for yourself.
We do more things as a family now. We took our daughter to the Zoo for Howl-O-Ween and Christmas was in our new home. That was exciting. We made gift for our loved ones and made cards for everyone. There was a lot of glitter :) I also made another sweater/test knit!
I'm excited for the new year. We are happy and healthy, that's all I want for anyone and everyone. Call me cheesy, that's okay. I like cheese.
I have big plans and goals for this year. I hope I get them all done. I will! One day at a time!
Next goal is to make my daughter a sweater dress. She has her birthday coming up and we are going to make cupcakes together! A lot of frosting clean up in my future :)
Bring it on!!

 Link to the test knit pattern

Have a Great New Year!!!
Feel free to Comment, Like, Share and that Jazz!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Time For Normal

I have been non stop for over a month now and I am so ready for a break. School came to an end and we boxed up all the First grade things we didn't need for Second grade and sent it all back.
My husband can sometimes travel for his job and this time it was far enough away, and for a week, that they got him a Hotel room. We went with him and had a mini vacation next to the coast. It was such great weather and we had fun. Cell reception wasn't always the best, so I took a break from that.
But the whole week we were gone, I was test knitting. Got all that done and the Pattern released last Friday. I will link it below, it was super cute!
Every weekend we have been hiking and going into the mountains. We will probably continue that, as we all like to do it. No service out there at all lol
I have been so busy and out of sorts for too long. I am getting back to my schedule and will be posting, knitting, crocheting, crafting, reading, and living my usual boring but lovely life, more now!!
I have that feeling that you sometimes get after going on a real vacation for a period of time, then when you come back you don't quite know what to do with your life lol any one else ever get that?!?
It's weird.
Took a break from making my moms poncho to test knit, so I will be getting back to that this week as well. Starting a Mother and Daughter Poncho Pattern after I finish. I have an idea for it and drew a small picture of what I want. I cannot find a pattern like it, so I think I will try to make one myself.
Doesn't seem like much writing it all down. Well some of it at least.
I think that is about it for now and a good little update. Also, thinking having two "blogs" isn't working for me :/
Anywho, enjoy the rest of your week and thank you for visiting!!

BombSHELL Crop Top I test knitted

Friday, May 10, 2019


I fell in love with the cowl vest I made for my mom but it ended up way shorter on her than she wanted it. Since I had already made the vest and she wanted it longer, I did not want to rip back and start over. That would have such a pain and so many weaved in ends... Not worth it.
But I wanted her to like it and her to want to wear it. So what to do? I picked up stitches on the cast on row and knitted a foot long rib to the bottom of the cowl vest. She loves it.
She still wants a kangaroo pouch put on the front, which I can do now. And she feels way more comfortable wearing it. Bonus all around. I will leave a link to the pattern in case you are interested and I will also share some photos we took of her in it.
I made it using Buttercream Luxe Craft Alpaca Solids Yarn in Pale Pink. It is so soft and gorgeous!!
I used about 6 balls for this. I got the same in Gray, I couldn't help myself. 
Off to my next project, PONCHO!! I'll definitely be posting about those as well!! 

Link to the yarn from Joanns*

Link to the Chain Link Armored Cowl Vest from Knitatude*

Have a great weekend!!

Feel free to Comment, Share, Like and all that Jazz.

*Not sponsored or affiliated.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Is it considered Cheating?

Well  hello! It's been a while and there is a reason I haven't been posting.
I am cheating on Blogger...
One, the app for Blogger sucks. Nothing will post from there and I haven't been able to post from my computer. It gets annoying.
Two, it is harder for me to get clients from here. With no contact form, and someone told me recently, it doesn't look like a good or professional website... I still like using this platform.
So I decided to have two websites/blogs. I have this one here, easier for me to work. And I will have a Wix website for clients. I'm not sure how I feel about it but so far, so good. I plan on posting on both. I might post here and copy it there, depending on the subject. I'm really not sure yet.
All I wanted was blogger to work on my phone. I understand it is an older site, but come on... A simple update would suffice!
Anywho, I think I want to make this blog my personal one, like it has been, and the Wix site more for my business. It makes things a little easier, I hope!
I just now realized that I use a lot of commas. Hmm... well there is that. I'm a comma person.
So, what have I been working on? I need to get some pictures but my mom loves the cowl vest I made her. She said it fits much better now. I had to make it longer than what was written in the pattern. I also finished another hat for my daughter. She is getting back into wearing hats again. I am not complaining about it, I love making hats!
I have been working more on my Cricut skills(?) and we finished the prizes for the kids after the Easter Egg hunt we did. Just family but it was fun. I will post what we did. I think I need to practice more, as my niece said the writing on her shirt is coming off. I don't think we ironed it enough.
Everyone else's stayed on fine. Another adventure :)
My next projects will be Crocheting a poncho and some Amigurumi dolls for my daughter. As well as client work. I never post those, as I think the posting should be up to the client. I might post the items not being worn and just a flat layout. I would much prefer that anyways.
Well that is all for now.
I hope everyone has a great week.
Do you have any projects you are working on?? Let me know :)

Feel free to Comment, Share, Like and all that Jazz.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

First week of April

So far, so good. I have not been feeling my best for about a week now. No clue why.
Might be time for my dot. Or I'm getting the darn cold that is going around. I sure hope not.
I don't even know where I left off last time I was on here. I do know that I tried to make a post from my phone and the app wouldn't post it. When I exited the app, the whole post was deleted...
So, that sucked.Anywho, I went shopping for some Cricut supplies yesterday. This weekend is going to be filled with Cricut fun. Cannot wait for that!!
A friend had asked me to make her some shirts for her kids and it got me thinking of making some matching shirts for Christmas :) I want all out corny!!
I don't know exactly what yet but I will post them once I make them. I am working on Christmas gifts early this year, just in case. I want to make sure that if I am making them, I have enough time to do so and not stress myself out or not finish in time. Seems a bit much, but that's me.
Next on my list, organizing my desk. I don't know why but it is always cluttered and I cannot stand it. I need a better system, and maybe some little boxes or something to hold all the things I reach for the most. I try to keep them off my desk, but it seems a pain to go look for them when I'm working.
Nothing to complain about. Me just being picky.
Other than that, not working on anything yet. Taking a mini break. I will probably start up another project next week.
That is all for now :)
Have a great week!!

Thanks for stopping by.
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